Live Streaming For Smaller Churches: What To Look For In Your Live Streaming Solution

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February 16, 2021

There are several reasons people hesitate about starting to live stream, but one of the reasons that our team at LiveControl hears often is that their church is too small.

If you are a smaller church, the investment into live streaming can sound daunting from the PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) cameras to managing live streaming software and troubleshooting possible technical issues. It can be overwhelming in the beginning, but it doesn’t have to be. 

Here are a few things that you can look for when deciding on your live streaming solution.

Find an easy and affordable solution.

It might sound obvious to look for a solution that is budget-friendly, but one thing to keep in mind is what that solution includes. Will you only be getting cameras, or a live streaming platform?

If you can find a solution that gives you all of the equipment that you need, you can be a step ahead of the game. The easier the hardware and software are to use, the less time you’ll have to spend teaching volunteers or members of your church team how to get your live stream started.

Not only does an all-in-one solution make your life easier, but it ends up being more affordable in the long run.

Choose a solution that is sustainable for the long term.

Selecting a solution that works for you in the long run is especially important now that live streaming has become the norm, and will likely stay that way even as churches begin to open their doors to in person services.

Think about finding a solution that you know anyone in your church team could easily adopt and that doesn’t take time away from what they do best: engaging with your church in ministry and community work; a solution that can grow with your church. 

Do you want to start streaming to Facebook and YouTube live? Or start live streaming church events like weddings or funeral services? You might even want to start sending your congregants these videos to watch whenever they want to. Try to find a solution that allows you and your church to continue to grow online! You’ll be able to take full advantage of the greater reach and all the opportunities that you have once you’ve brought your services online. 

A successful live streaming solution will give you opportunities for growth.

Live streaming also gives your church the opportunity to reach more people, to increase both your online and in-person viewership. Some of our clients have congregants that watch their services from across the country, members who may never be able to attend in person services. Others have found that people often attend live streamed services before deciding to attend in-person services to find out whether a church is a good fit for them.

You also have more opportunities to raise funds for your church when you start live streaming. Our clients have experienced a 5x increase in online giving when they started live streaming because of how easy it is for members to give via an online donate button.

So, are you ready to invest in live streaming for your church?

For more information on this topic, you can read our blog post: “Five Ways To Increase Online Giving”. 

If you’re looking for some help to get started live streaming, or to improve your current live stream, you can schedule a free demo with the LiveControl team here!

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